• " A Bangladeshi resource team teaching Bangla language to the foreigners to develop their cross-cultural communications "
  • " A Bangladeshi resource team teaching Bangla language to the foreigners to develop their cross-cultural communications "
  • " A Bangladeshi resource team teaching Bangla language to the foreigners to develop their cross-cultural communications "
  • " A Bangladeshi resource team teaching Bangla language to the foreigners to develop their cross-cultural communications "
  • " A Bangladeshi resource team teaching Bangla language to the foreigners to develop their cross-cultural communications "
  • " A Bangladeshi resource team teaching Bangla language to the foreigners to develop their cross-cultural communications "
  • " A Bangladeshi resource team teaching Bangla language to the foreigners to develop their cross-cultural communications "
  • " A Bangladeshi resource team teaching Bangla language to the foreigners to develop their cross-cultural communications "
  • " A Bangladeshi resource team teaching Bangla language to the foreigners to develop their cross-cultural communications "
  • " Course Schedule 2025 "


LearnBangla’ Language Center has started its journey from 2010 and providing Bangla language training to the foreigner/ expatriate officials those who are working in different diplomatic missions, international volunteer agencies (KOICA, JICA, VSO), international aid agencies, donor agencies, like: EU officials, USA officials, NGOs, CBOs, university students and social workers in such a way, so that they could easily able to overcome cross cultural obstacles and read, write, understand and speak in Bangla language fluently. In the mean time, that program has helped around thousand of learners from more than 50 countries. In the process, we have found our achievements to be satisfactory. By this time, we have received a high appreciation from the participants as well as from their sponsors what is very much encouraging for the development of this institution. There is availability of hundreds of individual Bangla language learning materials. But this is first time we developed curriculum based language teaching modules and materials what was accepted and appreciated excitingly to the world community. And still we are in progress in reviewing, associating feedback, innovating new ideas for ongoing process.


LearnBangla Bangla language learning centre will be followed by the exchange of dynamic and innovative practical ideas that supports the teaching of Bangla Language effectively and adequately to the foreign learners in friendly and comfortable environment with its academic portfolio, research agenda and educational model. LearnBangla has plan to grow within its own-boundary a large corporate group which may include several educational institutions like - schools, colleges, universities and various other social welfare entities. LearnBangla believes, its sincere and outmost effort will be encouraging in turning it into a world leading institution.


LearnBangla is ensuring Bangla language training for the learners from around the world to help and guide them in such a way that they can easily read, write, understand and speak in Bangla to a certain level of proficiency in their daily conversations. The language centre is committed to achieve this mission by continuously enhancing the quality of its services through professional development and cross-cultural understanding and by innovating curriculum design, teaching methods and materials. LearnBangla is dedicated in helping the learners to fulfill their personal, academic and professional goals that empowered them in real-life situation.

Legal Status

LearnBangla is approved by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
(Registered License No. 04/2015)
as a non-profitable institution, subsequently incorporated by the Register of Joint Stock Company and Firms, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
(Certificate of Incorporation No. TO-888/15)
under company act XVIII of 1994.


Message from Founder and Managing Director

I take this proud privilege in congratulating the students of LearnBangla who are availing our effective learning processes to learn Bangla language. I am really amazed to see their level of interest and enthusiasm in learning Bangla as a second language.

I feel very much inspired by those who left upon completion of the courses and now can read, write and speak in Bangla very fluently in their day to day conversation with Bangla speakers.

I admire that all of the students those who are already left us and learning now, are very much encouraging and helpful in the overall learning processes.

Considering the above, I can mention without any hesitation that LearnBangla has by this time been able to be one of the leading Bangla learning center in the country and abroad. We hope our effective program will bring for the learners a wider opportunity during the days ahead.

With profound regards and success,

Mary Juliet Penheiro     |    

Message from Chairman

I am extending a warm welcome with great pleasure and pride to all, those who are willing to study in LearnBangla. Within a very short period of time it has gained a good reputation both at national and international grounds by its manifold activities and become a leading Bangla Language Learning Center in Bangladesh.

I believe, a good school is the holy place where the light of the wisdom is focused. LearnBangla is one of such place where the teachers are the magic master who can easily help you to overcome the language and cultural barriers.

I am confident that we will work together as educator, friend, family and the community to create the best learning environment for our learners. It is my belief, the success is a must.

I am very happy that with total dedication of faculty members, commitment from the management and with best sincerity of the head of the institution LearnBangla is not so far from its goal.

With profound regards,

Lelin Penheiro     |    


The LearnBangla language center has a set of objectives to achieve its mission:

> To introduce Bangla language in all sectors of knowledge LearnBangla will act at home and abroad.
> To help foreign learners build a foundation and to achieve language proficiency in using of Bangla language competency within the stipulated course duration.
> To uphold the glory of our country, cultural and historical values correctly to all over the world through our services.
> To establish, run and maintain education institutions for promotion of Bangla language, culture, literature and fine arts among the foreigners and to promote new and appropriate technologies, such as, satellite TV, internet, distance learning methods etc. as well as innovative ideas and methods for development of education.
> To establish, run and maintain similar education institutions namely, school, college, university, traditional training center and research institutes for under privileged poor people with a view to alleviate illiteracy and make them conscious about their lives, health, environment and economic condition.
> To provide formal and non-formal education in both rural and urban area and to under privileged to undertake and carry on any humanitarian or charitable program for the community and to take necessary initiatives for promotion of basic education, literature, fine art, and several vocational and skillful training.
> To raise necessary funds to extend educational facilities including promotion and establishment of educational institutes and to promote mass education and to organize facilities for education and training and set up an effective management information

system for regular and proper monitoring in furtherance of the objects of LearnBangla conduct research and undertake experimentation and evaluation of the activities of the enterprises set up or assisted by LearnBangla. > To participate in different events to distribute relief in any natural disaster like flood, storm, cyclone, tsunami, drought and earthquake.
> To expand and strengthen its objectives and activities, LearnBangla will and may function at home and abroad with collaboration of different educational institutions/organizations of national and international level.
> To publish old manuscripts of the lost folklore of the country including the myth book after being collected them.
> To undertake motivation work among the public to create awareness of importance of language, culture, literature, arts and science etc.
> Enter into collaborative arrangements with other national, foreign or international aid agencies, investors and technical institutions to make joint venture, consortium or any other type of investment to extend communication and related technical services.
> Prepare and adopt bye-laws, rules and regulations, codes of practice and rules of business not inconsistent with the law for facilitating the proper functioning and administration of the LearnBangla and implementation of the projects and program sponsored by it and its partner organizations.

Course Schedule 2025

Module & Courses

One of the remarkable features of LearnBangla is its modules and courses. Much priority and attention has been given to make the courses enjoyable and practical. After completion of each individual course the participants will be able to speak in Bangla more accurately and confidently in their day to day conversations.


Our basic level courses mainly designed into three modules in script method:

- Three modules in Script method
(Script Step - I, II & III)
- Three modules in phonetic method
(Phonetics Step - I, II & III)


Our mid level courses are designed into five modules by script methods:

- Grammar Volume - I
- Prose and Conversation Volume - I
- Religion Study Volume - I
- Short Stories Volume - I
- Social, Cultural, Historical & Religious Issues Volume - I


Our advanced level courses are designed into six modules by script methods:

- Grammar Volume - II
- Prose and Conversation Volume - II
- Religion Study Volume - II
- Short Stories Volume - II
- Social, Cultural, Historical &
Religious Issues Volume - II
- Day to day Bangladeshi Lifestyle


- Arts & Crafts
- Music & Dance [Bangladeshi folk]
- Bangladeshi Cooking
- Bangla Literature
- Medical/Agricultural/Economic/Political terms

Short Courses

> Separate short courses on a particular topic can be provided upon request of learners.


Our each of the module is usually facilitated into a 20 day sessions including periodic tests and feedback (2 hours a day, 5 days a week, 2 exam days).

Training: Participatory training process implemented.
Classroom: Between three and six learners.
Classroom setting: Circular and semi-circular seating arrangement.
Periodical language proficiency evaluation: Through feedback sessions and assessment on level of understanding of each individual learner is measured on the basis of their results in periodic tests.
Materials: Modules, Exercise books, Audio CDs, Flash Cards, Festoons, Flipcharts, Whiteboard, Smart Board, Projectors, Audio-visual equipment and many other relevant training material.
Library: Modern library with more than five hundred various updated learning materials, reference books, maps, Bangla dictionaries, handbooks, pocket books, Bangla movies, dramas, documentaries, and Bangla Novels etc.
Facilitators: Mainly from our own faculty. However, may be hired from relevant organizations like, Dhaka University, Bangla Academy, Bishaw Shahittaya Kendra, Cultural Centers for a particular topic if and when required.
Study tours: Excursions and field trips arranged for practical demonstrations.
Cultural programs: Cultural programs involving the participants are organized during different Bengali festivals and other social occasions.



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Contact Us

LearnBangla is approved by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Registered License No. 04/2015) as a non-profitable institution, subsequently incorporated by the Register of Joint Stock Company and Firms, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Certificate of Incorporation No. TO-888/15) under company act XVIII of 1994.

Contact Us

House 57, Road 7/A, Block H
Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
Email:banglalanguage@gmail.com Social:Facebook
© Copyright 2017-2014 Learn Bangla | Developed by Pranjal Selim